Wednesday 22 July 2009

Wednesday I think?

Yes have now checked and it is wednesday, not even knowing for sure what day it is isn't a good start to this blog but nevermind!
I haven't really got much to say but am trying to keep at this blogging, its all to easy to get out of the habit of doing things and I really enjoy this so am trying!
Not been upto that much this week its summer holidays but the weather is more like April - its so dull and wet, but we've had lots of fun playing together on the wii etc so is all good :)
Have been doing some more art, after posting my 'challenge to myself' drawing I realised that i've been putting off expressing myself in my art and stuff - always trying to create something really good instead of what I like doing (which I hope will be fairly good but if its not great will still keep at it).
Its been a really dull day here weather wise, doesn't feel like July at all!
Am currently cooking dinner, whilst doing a ton of other things so this is only a quick post!

Sunday 19 July 2009


Hmmm quite an unusual sunday, I don't think it feels like a sunday :/ not quite sure why and don't know what day it feels like either, but it doesn't seem to have the normal quietness of a sunday. I have unusually blitzed the housework today, usually I just keep it ticking over during a weekend, but today decided I would get loads of stuff done, so am quite pleased with myself, just the usual washing to catch up on tomorrow.

Right my news rant of today is about the backpacker who got lost out in Australia, I am sick of hearing about him now, I am pleased he was found alive (obviously) but I honestly think he was a fool, 1 for not taking his mobile out with him and 2 for not registering with the authorities as there are signs urging people to before going bushwalking, as I said i'm pleased he was found, but enough already, I don't really see why the news programmes are keeping on about him, or maybe they are focusing their attention on him to keep it off other stories.... oh what a cynic I am.

Friday 17 July 2009

2 Days in a row!!

Woohoo I am managing to write here 2 days in a row!
Had a really successful day yesterday, nothing earth shattering but managed to get some bits sorted that i'd been meaning to do for a while - sorted out wardrobes and stuff like that, didn't realise how much i'd done til this morning - I could actually choose what I wanted to wear instead of deciding what wouldn't result in the entire contents of my wardrobe falling on top of me!

Had a massive thunderstorm here last night and today it looks like we could be in for another lot! I'd just watered our hanging baskets last night and the heavens opened!

I have so many things I 'want' to do at the moment I don't know where to start, I have been doing some more work on my Rose Drawing on my other blog, so will be taking a photo of that soon, hopefully it will look better! :/

Right going to get on with something now, will blog again over the weekend!


Thursday 16 July 2009

Isn't it friday yet?!

I keep thinking its friday, but its not, its only thursday, this has been a long week for some reason. Not a bad week just a long one!
I have a list as long as my arm of things to do today, none of them particularly interesting so I won't bore you all!
I've just read that the worlds oldest mum has died - that is the eldest woman to become a mother artificially @ the age of 67, I feel sad that she's died leaving her 2 young boys, but also feel angered that someone could do that, I know any mother of any age can die but surely most people could see that the odds of dying in your babies childhood are dramatically increased if you are already drawing your pension when you have them? I think the world gives people too much choice now, apparantly this lady had lied about her age in order to be artificially inseminated at the fertility clinic, she had said she was 55 .... is this too old still?! I don't know, and to be honest this is a difficult debate to have with myself and a computer screen, so I think for now at least I shall leave it there!
Need to go and sort washing now! lol I did say this blog was going to be a mix of stuff didn't I!!
Hope you all (whoever reads this?) have a great day! x

Monday 13 July 2009

Its monday morning again already! Where does the time go?!
It was a weekend of 2 halves with the weather here, really wet and winter like on saturday with yesterday more of a summers day though a little cool at times! I think the garden was pleased to see the rain though!
I have been doing some more drawings lately I will post pics up to my lifeis blog very soon.
I've just read on sky news that swine flu has reached downing street - one of the ministers advisors - I know that all goverment workers have to travel, probably alot more than most of us do, but surely now with swine flu proving itself a major problem they need to start considering using the technology available to them, imagine the good they could do to the climate too without so much travelling about!

Friday 10 July 2009

I had originally heard the forecast for today wasn't great, but on waking this morning although nowhere near as hot as it had been lately it was nice enough to do some gardening - the forecast for tomorrow is awful so thought i'd be sensible and cut the grass and hedges today, am really pleased I did as its now really cooled off and the sun looks like its gone away for a while!
Am still waiting to hear back from my hosting company about my website, fingers crossed its sorted soon!
I have almost finished my tagged post so will be posting that up soon too!
I have a load of library books to sort out over the weekend ready to take back (over 30!! between me and the kids), am hoping to sort a few things out in the loft too, really want to get my crafting stuff sorted out properly up there.

Thursday 9 July 2009

Well so much for the 'daily' part of this blog, only managed a post on the first day - note to self must try harder!
Am having a major headache with my website at the moment :( its on a shared server and i've been notified that theres something on it thats causing problems on the server for other users, so am trying to sort that out at the moment!
Am in the middle of doing my 10 random facts post on my other blog after being tagged by notesfromthetoothfairy I think its going to be a long post!
I have a list of things as long as my arm to try and sort today so i'd better get on!

Monday 6 July 2009

Welcome to my daily ramblings!

I have kinda got into this whole blogging thing lately, so much so that i've found myself all too often thinking of things I could blog about when I should be concentrating on something else! With my other main blog; although about many different things I was find myself being quite selective about what I put on there and I was beginning to want somewhere to blog where I could ramble on about anything and everything, so have created this blog for exactly that reason. Sometimes the 2 blogs will be about the same stuff but overall this will be about my everyday events that i'd like to ramble on about, but no-one ever really listens to!
I always find myself getting caught up in the appearance of blogs/websites that I have, generally it doesn't turn out to be a productive event either, never satisfied I end up with templates that are 'ok' but never quite what I want, but this time i'm keeping it very plain and simple (for me anyway).